Floating Customers Retention

Floating Customers Retention

This post is intended for Floating Center Owner and operators.

After having spent time analyzing Floatation centers performances in order to distillate reasonable effective advises for the participants to our Floating Master Course, and having spoken to several floating centers owners, customers retention appears to be the most challenging issue they face their during day by day business operation.

At Float & Co, along the production of the Theta 1 and 2 Floating Pods, we run Floating Flo centers and as well as other we venture this activities not without a firm belief in the effectiveness of floating for the human being and the conviction this would be not just a rescue mission, but something that would have made us earn a reasonable amount of money.

But why, despite the so peculiar and proven benefits of a recurrent Floating practice, 90% of floating center experience a limited customers retention?

In this post I do not want to discuss social media marketing and commercial strategies, things that somehow we all do but that are very often responsible for a loss of profit and just push forward of few months the very moment moment when the customer will not be any longer considered as recurrent.

I believe the real question is: are our customers able to understand the potential of the tool they are using, especially the new comers without any sort of personal development or “holistic” understanding?

Well, the longer we won’t be able to communicate them how and what they can get out of a use of floating combined with their mind power, the longer we will experience retention issues.

8 ragioni per praticare Floating

8 ragioni per praticare Floating

Spesso ci viene chiesto a cosa serve; così elenchiamo di seguito alcune delle principali ragioni per le quali sempre più persone lo scelgono di praticare il floating nelle vasche di deprivazione sensoriale: in particolare ne riportiamo 8 anche se ognuno ne potrà trovare sicuramente altre 100 comunque sempre molto valide

…e quale fra queste invece spinge te a praticare Floating?

Floating Pod per Atleti

Floating Pod per Atleti

MMA? Karate? Running? Trial? Cross-Fit? Cicling? Rugby? Basket? Calcio? Volley? Tennis? Golf?

...Qualunque sia il tuo sport, il floating è il segreto per migliorare costantemente le tue prestazioni, curare e prevenire infortuni e ridurre l’affaticamento degli allenamenti. 

  • L’essere liberi dalla gravità crea un'aumento dell'ossigenazione dei tessuti ideale per accelerare il recupero da infortuni, e i 525 kg di sale di Epsom (Solfato di Magnesio) poi non guastano sicuramente per fare una scorta del Magnesio così tanto necessario per la tua attività fisica e mentale.